Occupation & Physical Therapists » Occupation & Physical Therapists

Occupation & Physical Therapists

The occupational therapist is concerned with a person’s ability to participate in daily life activities or “occupations.” In the schools, occupational therapists use their expertise to help children to be prepared for and perform important learning and school related activities and to fulfill their role as students. They are particularly skilled in facilitating access to the curriculum for all students through supports, design planning, assistive technology and other methods. Additionally, they play a critical role in training parents, other staff members, and caregivers regarding educating students with diverse learning needs.

At Mohegan Elementary School, the occupational therapist supports academic and non-academic outcomes including social skills, math, reading, writing, self-help skills, motor planning skills, and sensory integration. She works as part of school teams and other specialists to present a more holistic and motivating approach for addressing student's needs.
Janine Swartz is the Occupational Therapist who works with students to enhance small motor control, visual perception, spatial awareness and sensory skill development. Most students have occupational therapy as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP), however families are encouraged to speak with their child's teacher or Mrs. Swartz if they have a concern for their child.


Janine Swartz