Music & Band » Music & Band

Music & Band


Students at Mohegan Elementary School attend a 45-minute general music class once a week. Students at all levels focus on feeling the beat and rhythm, thinking and singing tunes and responding expressively to music. In second grade, students begin to study music literacy (reading and writing music). This skill is developed through fifth grade. In third grade, students learn to play the recorder. This provides them with another avenue in which to read and play music. It also gives them a feel for playing an instrument and prepares them for fourth grade when they may choose to play an instrument in the school band program.


Band lessons are offered for fourth and fifth grade students. Lessons are available for flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussion. Each lesson is about a half hour and occurs every 4 days. Band students should practice their instruments at least 4 days a week for 15 minutes a day to develop proper playing habits and prepare for performances. There is at least one concert a year, usually in the Spring. Although there is much dedication involved, band is a fun and exciting opportunity for children to further their musical education!


In recent years, Chorus has not been possible due to pandemic safety guidelines, as well as scheduling challenges within the school day. However...we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to offer Chorus to 4th and 5th Grade students in the 2023-2024 school year!  If you have any questions, please reach our to Mrs. Buck!

Email the Teacher:

Mrs. Buck